“Many of us have been very concerned about the implementation of federal legislation known as the SAFE Act that would severely limit an individual’s ability to seller finance their property in Texas.
We are working on numerous regulatory and legislative solutions to this affront to private-property owners, and have some good news to report. At our urging, the chief regulator over the SAFE Act in Texas, the commissioner of the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending, has taken significant steps to allow Texas property owners to continue to seller finance up to five transactions in a 12-month period. Continue reading Owner Financing in Texas→
Why Many Investors Keep Fooling Themselves
by Jason Zweig
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 of the wall street journal penned a great article about How high most investors returns are. You can check it out at http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/108608/why-many-investors-keep-fooling-themselves?mod=retire-planning
To summarize the article says that most investors cant earn over 5% or so on thier investments.
What is a mulit-leg real estate exchange? It is a series of exchanges that allow you to take your real estate from where you are to where you want to go. How do you make something like that happen? With lots of flexibility and patience. You need to be able to move into assets that may not exactly fit your needs at this current time. They may not be the best fit for your long term financial plan. They may not even be in this country! They are simply a way to go from where you are to where you want to be. You need to be able to answer the question, “What else can it look like?” Have you heard the story about 1 red paper clip?
One of the things I want to do this year is grow my business. So I began looking for opportunities to invest and to put together another group investment or syndication. I found a small apartment complex in one of the communities close to my home base and decided to go and look at it b/c it was a screaming great deal!
here we go tighter and tigher financing options. What will you do as a real estate investor? What are your options to get any reasonable financing? Ask someone who has refinanced 3 buildings in the middle of this financial meltdown for thier own portfolio. Dont know who that is? Its me. Call me at 512-689-6742 to see what I had to do to get a good loan on some of my property and how you can too.