How Does If Feel To Fill Up An Apartment Complex In 45 Days
Exhausting! Exhilarating all at the same time
In the last 45days or so we have rented 27 apartments evicted 2 people and re-rented their units bought. 6+8 refrigerators and need to buy more, 13 stoves and microwaves fixed countless plumbing leaks, fired 1 employee and hired 4 more, cut so much brush the city is looking at the property and wondering when will he stop. We have aggravated a neighbor and pleased them in the same day. One neighbor is so pleased with the work going on a the property that he said we could cut some brush on the property line and he would pay to have it hauled off! We have also Disposed of 2 dead cats, Gotten 1 bad check, and Taken 100’s of calls. I am tired! I am excited at the same time.