Have you begun to evaluate the performance of your real estate investments this year?

This is a great time to do a little homework concerning your investments and whether they are meeting the return guidelines that you have determined are appropriate for them.

Why do you need to evaluate real estate investments?

When you are evaluating real estate investments what type of questions should you be asking?

Have you taken on some type of unstated risk and previously undisclosed risks?

Have you taken on too much risk in your investments?

Have your investments revealed that they are considerably more risky then you thought?

Are you being properly compensated for the amount of risk that you have taken?

Have the characteristics of the investment changed in such a way as to put at undue risk the total investment?

Is the investment performing in a way that is in line with its stated purpose?

Do you have a stated purpose for your investments?

Has that purpose changed?

Do you still trust the staff managing the investment?

Is the amount of debt appropriate for the investment?

Are the expenses in line with the budget? If so great is not what should be done to bring them in line or is this a reason to divest yourself of this investment?

What is the exit strategy for this investment?

What is the timeline for the exit of this investment?

How does this investment fit into my investment portfolio?

Is the overall market or demographics for this investment a good one or a poor one?

Are there some other evaluation criteria that apply to your investment that are not outlined above?   If so drop me an email so I can add them!

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